Tuningchip Diesel

Performance chip which increase power,
torque and drivability.

Tuningchip Diesel


  • Audi

    Tuning Chip optimized for higher power output and lower fuel consumption.

  • BMW

    Tuning Chip optimized for higher power output and lower fuel consumption.

  • Hyundai / KIA

    Tuning Chip optimized for higher power output and lower fuel consumption.

  • Mercedes

    Tuning Chip optimized for higher power output and lower fuel consumption.

  • Peugeot / Citroën "PSA"

    Peugeot / Citroën "PSA"

  • Volvo

    Tuning Chip optimized for higher power output and lower fuel consumption.

  • VW

    Tuning Chip optimized for higher power output and lower fuel consumption.

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